
The math department’s primary mission is to relentlessly pursue the transmission of mathematical knowledge and skills to every student at ConVal High School.

The ConVal mathematics department consists of eight dedicated staff that share a passion for mathematics and a desire to provide a diverse offering of mathematics courses to all of our students. We believe that mathematics is one of the most important disciplines for the 21st century. In a highly technical world, mathematics offers the underlying common language and reasoning skills that are necessary to be productive citizens.

Alaura BaileyTeacher, Mathematicsabailey@conval.edux4198website
Sarah GilpatrickTeacher, Mathematicssgilpatrick@conval.edux4198website
Matthew HarrisTeacher, Mathematicsmharris@conval.edux4198website
Amanda HintonTeacher, Mathematicsahinton@conval.edux4198website
Greg MorrisTeacher, Mathematicsgmorris@conval.edux4198website
Ashley RiendeauTeacher, Mathematicsariendeau@conval.edux4198website
Eric SaucierTeacher, Mathematicsesaucier@conval.edux4198website
Sam WinslowDepartment Leader
Teacher, Mathematics