ConVal Leadership Team (CVLT)

The ConVal Leadership Team (CVLT) meets on a weekly basis to address topics of school-wide importance. Department Leaders share information, questions and opportunities for the whole faculty and student body.

Department leaders are also actively involved in providing feedback and leading professional development to other members of their department for the purpose of improving instruction.

The leadership team includes a student representative and is part of the school’s collaborative leadership model that encourages feedback from all of our stakeholders.

Rachael BowmanLibrary, Integration, and Technology Services (LITS)rbowman@conval.edux4416
Liz ConcannonDepartment Leader, World Languageseconcannon@conval.edux4098
Terri DrogueDirector, School Counselingtdrogue@conval.edux3201
Leslie HolcombeConVal 2025lholcombe@conval.edux4200
Andria JohnsonDepartment Leader, Scienceajohnson@conval.edux4212
Jennifer KileyDirector, Region 14 Applied Technology Centerjkiley@conval.edux3010
Greg LeonardDepartment Leader, Social Studiesgleonard@conval.edux4102
Gretchen LimaDepartment Leader, Health & Wellnessglima@conval.edux4651
Heather McKillopPrincipalhmckillop@conval.edux3003
Liz MooreDepartment Leader, Englishemoore@conval.edux4222
Tyler MudrickSpecial Educationtmudrick@conval.edux4420
Kevin ProctorDirector, Athletics and Co-Curricularskproctor@conval.edux4654
Deb RileyAdministrator, Special Educationdriley@conval.edux4423
Richard SimoneauAssistant Principalrsimoneau@conval.edux3002
Carolann TebbettsDepartment Leader, Visual and Performing Artsctebbetts@conval.edux4430
Erik ThibaultAssistant Principalethibault@conval.edux3001
Sam WinslowDepartment Leader, Mathematicsswinslow@conval.edux4198
Antonia ZajaczkowskiInstructional