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Select Students Perform At NHMEA Concert

NH All State is a yearly festival run by NHMEA (NH Music Educators Association). Each year they hold auditions for students to participate in the festival.

Almost every state in our nation holds an All State Festival or similar experience for their students. Some bigger states, like Texas, do this regionally since there are so many students who participate in music.

For New Hampshire, students from schools all over the state prepare various repertoire and technical studies on their instrument of choice and attend an adjudicated audition where the top scorers are chosen to fulfill four ensembles (Band, Orchestra, Mixed Choir, Treble Choir).

Once chosen based on their audition, students prepare the music independently and with their teachers until they attend the weekend festival to work with distinguished guest conductors and present a concert.

Pictured are: Thomas Pratt (class of 2016, tenor voice),  Cam Ibach (class of 2017, bass voice), Luke Wilson (class of 2017, bass voice), Bridget Grady (class of 2017, soprano voice),  Ursula Kratzenberg (class of 2016, violin), Beck Lorimer (class of 2017, percussion).  Of special note, Lorimer received the top percussion score in the state for his audition.
