ConVal Drama presents “Amelia, Once More,” directed by senior student Becket Gourlay.
“Amelia, Once More” examines the tension between an actress and the character she portrays. Night after night, sweet Shelly Preston performs the part of wicked Amelia in an off-Broadway hit.
The play’s success depends on her ability to step completely and realistically into her role. Now Shelly worries that the character is taking over her mind. She wants a night off to regain control over Amelia.
However, her unsympathetic director, Alphonse Crevansky, and the ambitious supporting actress, Laura Tontelli, unite to try to convince Shelly to perform. Tom, the leading man in the play, loves Shelly though he loathes Amelia. He admonishes Shelly to quit the play altogether, creating yet another force pulling on her.
The show dates are Thursday and Friday, May 18 and 19, at 7:00 pm. Admission is free but donations are welcome.