The ConVal Band performed at the Eastern States Exposition on Friday, September 27th during Harvest Day. They entertained crowds on the Storrowton Green and along the parade route.
The drumline performed a number of cadences and the band played music hi-liting decades of Americana Music. Songs included were, “Boogie Down,” “Build Me Up Buttercup,” “Zoot Suit Riot,” “My House,” and “Vehicle.”
The Band received a particularly rousing applause for their performance of “Big Noise from Winnetka” when their routine included brass players ducking from their neighbors’ instruments purposely being swung over their heads. There were also a number of wailing brass and percussion solos.
The Eastern States Exposition in Springfield, Massachusetts, also known as the “Big E”, is a unique kind of state fair. Rather than serving just one state, the Big E serves Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.