At ConVal High School, we strive to create a safe, caring, and academically engaging school climate in which all students feel valued. We will be using a nationally validated school climate survey to measure how students, families, and staff perceive the school climate at ConVal.
The student survey will be given to students on March 16 during homeroom TASC and will take approximately 5-10 minutes. All responses are anonymous and results will only be reported as group responses. Our plan is to reissue the surveys in the future and use the information to assess change.
Written parent/guardian permission is required to give the student survey. If you would like to review the survey, it is available on the school website or upon request in the main office. Please call or email the main office with any questions.
Paper copies of this permission form will be distributed during homeroom TASC on Monday, January 27. All forms, regardless of permission given, should be returned to homeroom TASC teachers by Monday, February 10.