Thirteen members of the ConVal Nordic team took a break from studying for exams and traveled to Plainfield to compete in their first classic race of the season.
Low snowfall this season prevented the skiers from having any practices in this style of cross country racing so far this season, but the veteran team members did well nevertheless.
Allison Bull led the Cougar girls by securing a place in the top 10 women. She was closely followed by co-captain Cami Hendrixson and Eva Calcutt.
Also crossing the finish line for the Conval women were Abby Hendrixson, Gwen Inglis, Eme Tyler-Wall, Grace Phillips, and Isabel Badrawy. Scoring at the top of the Cougar boy line up was Jaimini Viles, followed by Philip Pope, Avery Pope, and Lewis Carlton.
ConVal will host its home meet this Saturday at the Dublin Nordic Center.