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ConVal Students Participate In “Presidency And The Press”

In an important extension of their Social Studies education during a presidential election year, several ConVal students are participating in a multi-day seminar at Franklin Pierce University dedicated to “The Presidency and the Press.”

The seminar was sponsored by the Marlin Fitzwater Center for Communication at Franklin Pierce. Fitzwater was White House Press Secretary for six years under presidents Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush, one of the longest-serving press secretaries in history and only one of three Press Secretaries to serve in that position under two different presidents.

Articles by ConVal students appeared in Granite Student Voice, the cover and an inside article on Presidential Photographer David Valdez.

The picture above shows Michelle Jarest, Jason Frank, and Oliver Ward interviewing Marlin Fitzwater; the photo below shows Social Studies teacher Greg Leonard receiving a signed copy of a book written by Marlin Fitzwater.

Professional photos of the event can be viewed on David Valdez’ Instagram feed. Valdez was the official presidential photographer from 1989-1993.
