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Summer Academy Offers Enrichment, Recovery Courses


Registration is now open for the 2019 ConVal Summer Academy which will be held July 8 – August 1, 2019.

The Academy is a great way to extend student learning through the summer to prevent the usual “summer slide” — the traditional loss of academic skills and knowledge over the course of the summer holidays. Taking ConVal Summer Academy courses also helps to get requirements and electives out of the way so that your student’s class schedule can remain flexible and open to opportunities during the regular school year.

The Academy offers participation in a musical drama production (“Annie, Jr”), art instruction in ceramics, jewelry-making and metalsmithing, an English comedy workshop, and a course in forensic science, just to mention some of the most popular selections.

In addition, the Academy offers credit recovery and readiness courses in Mathematics as well as regular courses (e.g. American Government, American Economics) that can be accomplished on a concentrated time schedule.

Attendance in the Summer Academy is free for students of the ConVal School District, including incoming freshmen. All that is required is a deposit for attending a class ($25 for students in grades 5-8, $50 for high school students) but the fee is refunded upon completion of the course.

There are two day-long workshops organized by the School Counseling Department in conjunction with the New Hampshire Higher Education Assistance Foundation (NHHEAF). One specializes in the college admissions process, the other concentrates on the college admissions essay.

For further details, please see this course description and signup brochure or email Jennifer Kiley (jkiley@conval.edu) with questions.