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ConVal Teachers, Students Engage In Hybrid Learning Plan

When ConVal High School planned the reopening of school over the summer, teachers, staff and administrators devised a complex but flexible plan that they called the Blue & Gold instructional model.

The model envisioned two student cohorts that rotate weekly for in-person learning and remote learning on an alternating schedule, with the option of a third group of students remaining entirely remote as per family choice.

While the hybrid model demanded additional technologies and new skills from teachers who are teaching both in-person and remote students, the hybrid model was seen to provide maximum benefits for everyone involved.

It most closely resembles what students already know and expect school to be like. In-person instruction has the advantage of providing opportunities for hands-on activities like science labs as well as career and technical education (CTE) courses. Learning in-person also allows them to make individual connections with teachers and peers.

Live remote instruction permits students to interact with their teachers and peers on a real-time basis. Classroom discussions are being moderated by the teachers between remote students and students in class or in tents. In addition, Google Classroom offers the opportunity for written exchanges and responses to teacher-chosen discussion questions.

Student feedback thus far indicates that they appreciate the opportunity of both options of the hybrid model while following a predictable schedule. ConVal’s Blue & Gold plan positions the high school for maximum flexibility along a continuum of blended learning environments which can quickly be adapted, as needed, in response to changing conditions.

Mr. Lambert conducts a discussion with online students in a breakout room.
Ms. Young hands out a cow’s eye that will be dissected by students.
A student in Ms. Milne’s class prepares a slide for microscopic examination.
Mrs. Fabianski connects with a student on Zoom to explain an engineering project.
Mr. Leonard’s in-person and remote students engage in a live discussion using district-supplied headsets.
A student in a woodshop class assembles a project.
Mr. Ewing demonstrates the proper fit of a wooden ballpoint assembly.
The tents on ConVal’s athletic fields.