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Update On ConVal Sports: Green Phase

Hello ConVal Community,

This evening the ConVal School Board approved the recommendation of the COVID-19 Monitoring Team to move to the Green Phase of the ConVal Reopening Plan.

This move allows for reinstituting in-person learning on January 19, 2021, and to restart ConVal High School’s winter athletic programs, with varsity teams participating in a competitive, limited, regional NHIAA sanctioned schedule. During this time, members of the Blue and Gold Cohorts will be allowed to combine and form teams.

Any ConVal High School athlete who participates will be required to sign a COVID-19 waiver and they, as well as siblings or household members, would be required to learn/work remotely until after their final competition and a 14-day quarantine before they can return to in-person learning. 

The following timeline will be used to restart ConVal’s winter sports schedule: 

1/14/21-1/17/21 – Team conditioning and practice sessions; coaches will be in contact with their athletes regarding tryout/practice dates and times.
1/18/21 – First date to play games.

This plan will be re-evaluated prior to and during these dates to determine if COVID-19 cases have increased in the region.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at jreitnauer@conval.edu.  

John Reitnauer