- SENIORS: A Josten’s representative will be here on Monday, December 7, to meet with the senior class during TASC for cap and gown information. Please bring payment of $18.00, with checks made out to Jostens. This is a mandatory meeting for all Seniors.
- Unified Basketball Players and Partners:Practices start Monday, December 7th; our first game is January 4th.
- The Drama Department will be holding Auditions for the NHETG Festival Show “Free Will” and the spring play “The Mousetrap” on Thursday, Dec 3rd from 6:00-8:00pm in the Chorus Room 306.
- Do you have a great story to share? The Fill the Void project is looking for student storytellers for their Black Fly Story Hour!
- The Student Athletic Leadership Team (SALT) will be selling candy canes outside the café during lunches. They will be on sale until December 18. Cost is 1 for $.50 and 3 for $1.00.
- Are you turning 18 this month? Remember, all men must register with Selective Service when they turn 18. Registering with Selective Service is a federal law and those who fail to register may be denied student loans, job training, government jobs, and driver’s licenses in most state.
- Hampshire Driving School offering spring classes — sign up with Mrs. Tieger in School Counseling.
- New scholarship opportunities posted on Naviance.
For these items and for more information, please see the Student Notices for December 4, 2015.