- MUD VOLLEYBALL TEAMS: forms are due today and must be submitted to Mr. Bowman or a student council member.
- SENIORS: Some of you still need to pay for your cap and gowns ($18.00). See Mrs. Coyne in room 469 immediately. New scholarship opportunities still posted on Naviance.
- CLASS OFFICERS 2016-17: Anyone interested in running for a Class Officer position should pick up the petition form in the Main Office. Forms must be submitted with 25 signatures by Monday, June 6, 2016.
- ELECTRONICS RECYCLING: Bring your unused electronics to Rm 212 for an electronics recycling drive. Deadline: June 10. Questions? Ask Ms. Johnson.
- CONVAL SUMMER ACADEMY: Summer School classes will be offered July 5 through July 28 — more details now available online.
- PLAN AHEAD – DRIVERS EDUCATION CLASSES FALL 2016: 9/9/16-11/4/16 (#171) Class meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 2:30-4:10pm; a mandatory parent night is scheduled for September 7 @ 7:00-8:30pm. 11/16/16-1/25/17 (#172) Class meets Monday and Wednesday, 8:30-11:00pm; a mandatory parent night is scheduled for November 11 @ 7:00-8:30pm. Each course costs $625.00. A $125.00 deposit check is due at sign-up with 5-$100.00 subsequent payments. Students must be 16 by the end of the course. Registration forms are in the School Counseling office. Space is limited.
For full details, see the Student Notices for June 2, 2016.