- AUDITIONS for summer musical production of “Beauty and the Beast” Monday, May 23 and Wednesday, May 25 from 5:00-8:00pm. See Ms. Moore with questions.
- SALT is selling baseball hats for Operation Hat Trick during lunches to benefit veterans.
- SENIORS: 40 of you still need to pay for your cap and gowns ($18.00). See Mrs. Coyne in room 469 immediately. Also, senior class T-shirts are on sale now outside the cafeteria during all lunches.
- ELECTRONICS RECYCLING: Bring your unused electronics to Rm 212 for an electronic recycling drive. Questions? Ask Ms. Johnson.
- JOB FAIR on Wednesday, May 25, during TASC and blocks 3 and 4. Starting pay $9 and up. Bring your resume. See
- The ConVal Yearbook has just been recognized as a Program of Excellence! Yearbooks are still available for sale but there are less than 30 copies left. Get yours today by talking to the award-winning Ms. Bastoni or Ms. Mitschmyer.
- CV Letter Jackets are now available for order! Please pick up your order form in the main office or in the school store during Block 3. Don’t miss this great opportunity to have your own Personalized ConVal Jacket.
- Summer School classes will be offered July 5 through July 28 — more details now available online.
- New scholarship opportunities posted on Naviance.
For full details, see the Student Notices for May 23, 2016.