- Sophomores: class rings can be ordered on November 4 in the cafeteria
- Spanish Club raffling off a Day of the Dead gift basket, featuring fantastic gift cards from local merchants
- Winter Track preseason meeting November 5 at 2:30pm in Rm 213
- Anyone interested in trying out for the girls’ basketball team this year — mandatory meeting November 5 at 2:30 in room 651
- Anyone interested in joining the Wrestling Team this season — informational meeting November 5 at 2:30 in room 650
- American Legion High School Oratorical Contest (state awards up to $1,000; national awards up to $18,000)
- Mensa Foundation scholarships are available, based solely on essays (up to 550 words) written by applicants
- Other scholarship opportunities posted on Naviance
For these items and for more information, please see the Student Notices for November 4, 2015.