The Link is a student-created publication which is produced in cooperation with the Monadnock Ledger-Transcript.
The student work is based on writing, editing, and photography that is done in a co-curricular club at ConVal Regional High School and is advised by Lance Levesque. Ben Conant, editor at the Monadnock Ledger-Transcript, serves as the outside advisor.
According to Levesque, getting an issue out still during the current year was a particular challenge. “The Link Magazine staff met its deadline today and completed their issue for this semester,” Levesque said. “I am so proud of everyone, given the late start we had.”
The theme for the publication was a reflection on the year 2020. “‘Silver Bells and Silver Linings’ is what we went with this semester,” Levesque explained. “We wanted to focus on the challenges but also the positive stories and silver linings that have come out of the coronavirus pandemic.”
To access the .pdf file of The Link‘s December 31, 2020 issue, please click here.