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World Language Honor Societies Induct Students

On May 31, the Société Honoraire de Français, the Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica, and the Nationale Deutsche Ehrenverbindung Delta Phi Alpha inducted more than twenty ConVal students into their respective world language honor societies.

The induction ceremonies of each world language were preceded by students explaining — in Spanish, French, and German — what attracted them to studying a particular foreign language and how they experienced the study of their chosen foreign language and its associated cultures.

Inducted into the Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica were: Noah Bell, Emma Canty-Carrel, Jordan Kania, Astrid Kipka, Marissa Lombardi, Caroline Riffle, and Marlena Sorbello.

Inducted into the Société Honoraire de Français were: Kaitlyn Giza, Gwen Jones, Cecilia Lester, Michael Long, Gracyn Mose, MAeve Newman, Sarah Perreault, and Rowan Tyne.

Inducted into Nationale Deutsche Ehrenverbindung Delta Phi Alpha were: Alex McCall, Becket Gourlay, Natalia Hautanen, Sylvie Holding, Bailey Kirkptrick, George Shiarella, Victoria Sousa, and Michael Zrzavy.

In addition, the following seniors received graduation cords for Spanish: Emma Canty-Carrel, Josh Curran, Dan Kashulines, Marissa Lombardi, Christina Newell, and Doug White. These seniors received graduation cords for French: Ashley Cheviot, Beecher Clifton-Waite, Danie Gates, Annie Henry, Natalie Klint, Sarah Kolk, and Kate Rogers. Graduation cords for German were bestowed upon: Kai Cooper, Daniel Frehner, Thayer Taft, Michelle Tourgee, and Samantha Worobey.

Having completed two foreign language programs, Madeline Ciocci received graduation cords for both Spanish and German, the only dual recipient this year. Congratulations, all!

