New Student Registration

Welcome to ConVal Regional High School!

We are happy that you are considering attending CVHS. As a potential new student, there is some paperwork that needs to be completed before you can select your courses.

  • Registration Packet (click on the link to download)
  • Birth Certificate
  • Proof of Legal Residence
  • Proof of Guardianship (If parents are divorced, we need the divorcee decree showing physical custody or signed court order)
  • Immunization/medical records, including last physical
  • IEP or 504 Plan (if applicable)
  • Release of records (in the packet)

Once you have all these records ready and the registration packet filled out, please call ahead to make an appointment with Melissa Gatto at or 924-7503 ext. 2032.

We look forward to having you as a part of the ConVal community!